Practice Typing

22 Mar 2021

How many times do you press backspace to fix a word you mistyped? I do it very often. 😅

Even though today’s text editors have automatic spellchecking, you need to have accuracy when you’re coding to be productive. Having that in mind, I’ve found some cool websites to practice typing and improve my accuracy and try to stay away of the backspace. 😃

Typing is a basic skill that is now one of the most important programming skills to master. Learning to type easily and correctly would support you in a number of scenarios, and it could be considered a required ability for everyone who plans to work with a computer in some way (which is almost everyone!).

Typing club is a website where you can learn and practice touch typing. The good thing about this site is that you learn to type better by playing. All lesson are engaging and interactive. You also can see your stats and understand which key you need to improve speed but most important, accuracy.

Another website with cool typing games is They have a Space Invader kind of game where you have to type the words coming in your ship’s direction so you can destroy them.

Last but not least, there is monkeytype. It is a typing test website which store your stats and put you in a scoreboard. you can use it to track your evolution as a typist. I just done a test and look how much I have to improve my accuracy. 😝

On this twitter thread you can follow my progress through my journey of being a better typist.

So go have a try and become a better typist.